

funny lauging people
in your dreams!
"The time has come", the Walrus said...
umm... i dunno.
the real deal

Who is this Beatrice girl anyway?

Yes, Beth is a nickname. No, it is not short for Beatrice. Beatrice is a nickname that a group of friends used to call me. Some of them still do, while others call me Bethy, Bethypoo, or just plain Beth.
I started this site/web page/whatever May of 2001. I started out on Easydesigner < http://www.easydesigner.com >, but I was having problems with that and moved over to Tripod< http://www.tripod.com >. Later my friend Joe < http://www.gleeb.com/poop >made me a site of greymatter < http://www.gerymatter.com > and found me a host (Andy). Right now Andy is having problems with the server, so for now I'm back at Tripod. But once the other site gets back up I'll be posting on there.
It's pretty simple. I get the pictures I use either from Corbis < http://www.corbis.com > or i just find them on other sites, or I scann pictures from magizines or ones I take myself. I then edit them in paint program or MGI PhotoSuite III SE.