So the past couple days have been nothing but coughing and bordem. Why is my house so freezing? Don't my parents understand that its 30 something degrees outside? Gab visited me in homeroom and we had a morning chat. This seems to becomming routine for us. Made some prints in photography. They came out pretty good. Had to cancle plans w/ Allie B. after school cause I had to finish up spanish homework before my class tonight. (We'll def. hang out tomorrow though!). Did homework, watched "A Walk To Remember", talked to Jarrett for a bit. Now just waiting for 7 o'clock to roll around so I can go to class. Byebye.
hi beth whats goin on meow? this is john carey meah.come check out my band even angels fall at k o c march 7th w/ mora in somnia, forgetting tomorrow, the blueprint homicide, and starting to wonder... and april 11th w/ forgetting tomorrow. the sex pirates, and starting to wonder. cya yea! cheesie mashed potatoes and mac! yeah...! Mega mega mega phone!-John Carey
I'm in photography. I'm supposed to be scanning negatives, but I don't feel like it.
Weekend update:
Friday-Went to Rob's show w/ him. Jarrett and Sean showed up w/ Scarlett and Faye. I was so suprised when I saw Jarrett. I wasn't expecting to see him at all that night cause he was supposed to go to The Bank Robbers show. Then me, Rob, Jarrett, Sean, Scarlette, and Faye went to Applebees. Much fun w/ ketchup was had by all.(BAH! ketchup)
Saturday-Hung out at Rob's. Watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding, fell asleep, went to the mall and to look for bigger plugs for him, but they didn't have any so we went back to my house so I could jam my old 8's in his ears. Wasn't too hard. Then we picked up Gab, and dropped Rob off at his house. Then Ry pick me and Gab up at 930 and went up to East Bruns. to hang out w/ everyone(Jin, Jarrett, Sean, Jill, Rachael, Melissa, Blaire, Ry, Gab, Me, Justin, some kid i think his name was John, and Sean Carbon.) at Rachaels house. The ride home was hilarous... getting scared by the Indian guy at the gas station and dancing in Dunkin Donuts.
Sunday-stayed home during the day and did three hours of spanish homework. Then Rob came over and we got Allie B. and went to krome for a meeting, which didnt really happen. I saw Greg, I missed him this weekend, I was happy to see him. Me, Greg, Rob, Allie, Jarrett, Sean, and Lauren went to McDonalds for food, then went back to Krome for a bit to hang out. Then Me Allie and Rob went home cause I was tired and just didn't want to be there anymore. I gtg now cause my teacher hates me and makes me do horrible work I don't want to do.
Another survey...stolen from Allie B.
Middle name: Kelly
Birth time: 7 something at night
Birthplace: Riverview Hospital .
Last place you traveled: brookdale
Eye Color: blue.
Height: 5'2"
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Birth date: april 25th
Your heritage: irish, gypse, other stuff
The shoes you wore today: black and baige sneaks
Your hair: straight, black, short, half up/half down
Your weakness(es): trusting people
Your fears: sharks, piegons, drowning, being burtn to death, breakig my neck in water... other stuff
Your perfect pizza: lots of CHEESE!...and rnch dressing for the crust
One thing you'd like to achieve: mmm..dont know
What is:
Your most overused phrase on AIM: true/indeed
Your thoughts first waking up: i wanna go back to sleep
Your current worry: boys/friends
Your plans tomorrow:school, doctors, meeting, show
Your best physical feature: eyes i guess
Your bedtime: 11-whenever.
Your greatest accomplishment: getting a 46.6 out of 50 on my spanish test
Do you:
Cuss: sometimes
Do you think you've been in love: yes
Want to get married: yes.
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no.
Like to take baths: of course.
Get motion sickness: sometimes
Masterbate: no.
Like talking on the phone: yes, but only to certain people
Like thunderstorms:yeah i love them, espically in the summer
Play an instrument: nope
Workout: run run run...
Like reading: yep
Body part: eyes
Kind of fruit: cherries.
Music to fall asleep to: the rise
Time of the day: afternoon
Feature in the opposite sex: eyes/stomach
Car: ford focus
Number: 5/12
Thing to do right before bed: watch tv
Thing to say when you're mad: bah
Horror movie:the ring
Colors: black, white, pink/red/navy blue
The future:
Age you hope to be married:27
Numbers and Names of Children: 2-4 gilrs-tes, blake jordan, april, julia mae...boys-blake jordan, chadwick, dont know what else
Describe your Dream Wedding: ...
How do you want to die? in my sleep hah mora in somnia(death in your sleep)
Where you want to go to college: centenary
What do you want to be when you grow up: teacher
What country would you most like to visit: ireland.
Opposite sex:
Best eye color: anything light
Best hair color: dark.
Short or long hair: short
Best personality trait: have a sense of humor.
Best height:...6ft, or taller
Best weight: whatever, but i love the chub
Best articles of clothing: shoes, hoodie
Best first date location: whatever
Best first kiss location: umm... lips?
I eat: CHEESE!...and ranch dressing
I think: im bored
I am: bored/tired
I loathe: winter
I adore: my friends
I suck at: everyhing.
I am obsessed with: sunglasses, cheese, ranch dressing
I can't wait: not be bored
I am annoyed with: everything
I miss: summer.
So much for celebrating b/f/fness huh? Whatever, go be kool and smoke your ciggeretts and eat your asian candy. I always felt like I valued the friendship more anyway.
Tunes=R. Kelly-Ignition (remix){im obsessed w/ this song}
Survey time.....
x. name = Elizabeth
x. piercings = left ear-one 2g and 3 16g...right ear-one 2g, and 2 16g
x. tattoos = not now, but come april 25th...
x. height = 5'2"
x. shoe size = 7 1/2-8
x. hair color = black
x. length = chin
x. siblings = 1 brother.
x. pets turtle =2 pigs...abby and amy
x. movie you rented = say anything
x. movie you bought = my big fat greek wedding
x. song you listened to = j.lo and llcool j, i forget the name of the song, but it was just on tv
x. song that was stuck in your head = same as above
x. song you've downloaded = dont know
x. cd you bought =...
x. cd you listened to = all my cd's are in my car and my car is burried
x. person you've called = allie b
x. person that's called you = rob
x. tv show you've watched = while you were out
x. person you were thinking of = ...
x. time you've had sex = ...
x. you have a bf or gf = nope
x. you have a crush on someone = yep
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = ahh...florida...
x. you think about suicide = true
x. you believe in online dating = nope
x. others find you attractive = nope
x. you want more piercings = nose, monroe, tounge, lip.
x. you want more tattoos = yep
x. you like cleaning = never
x. you like roller coasters = love em
x. you write in cursive or print = its like a cross between both
x. you carry a donor card = nope
for or against..
x. long distance relationships = for... it dosent matter how far away the person is, as long as you like them
x. using someone = against...had that done to me too many times
x. suicide = whatever makes you happy
x. killing people = against
x. teenage smoking = smoking in general is dumb
x. doing drugs = ehh
x. premarital sex = for
x. driving drunk = against
x. gay/lesbian relationships = for
x. soap operas = passions
x. gum = orbit
x. tv show = real world
x. thing in the world = mah friends
x. thing to collect = sunglasses
x. colors of all time = red
x. thing to do on a rainy day = go running, as long as its warm
x. feeling in the world = i'm gonna be typical and say loving and being loved.
x. food = cheese
x. song = hmm...
x. thing to do = sleep. laugh. be with friends. go to shows. watch movies.
x. thing to talk about = anything
x. sports = soccer, wall ball hahah pool club! yea Tiff Fett and Chris Cefalo!! haha "Beth, you throw w/ a noodle arm"---I still have a scar on my knee from when i feel playing wall ball the last day of camp.
x. drinks = cherry coke
x. clothes = hoodies, jeans, sneakers
x. picture =any pics w/ my friends in it
x. movies = HOME ALONE 2!!!!!
x. band = green day
x. holiday = thanksgiving haha, go figure... a vegitarian that likes thanksgiving
x. cars = ford focus
have you...
x. ever cried over a girl = over a friend, yes.
x. over a guy = yes.
x. ever lied to someone = nope, cause i hate being lied to
x. ever been in a fist fight = no, but ive fought over a koosh...haha jarret brett!
x. ever been arrested = oh geez...
x. shampoo do you use = flex
x. perfume do you use =ralph lauren
x. shoes do you wear = whatever matches the shirt and belt im wearing that day
x. are you scared of =fire, drowning, breaking my neck in water, sharks, peigons, crowds, not being able to move my arms and legs, being in a small room...
x. of times I have been in love?: 1
x. of times I have had my heart broken?: 9489874875857
x. of hearts I have broken?: i don't know. i don't wanna know.
x. of boys I have kissed?: ...13...damn
x. of girls I have kissed?:0
x. of men I've slept with?: ...
x. of girls I've slept with?: 0
x. of continents I have lived in?: 2
x. of drugs taken illegally?: 1
x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?: 2
x. of people I consider my enemies?: 0, i dont like o have people not like me
x. of cd's that I own?: a whole fucking lot
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: a couple i guess
x. of scars on my body?: soo many
x. of things in my past that I regret?: no regrets.
It's starting again. This fucking depression bullshit. I hate it when I feel like this, but when it starts there's no stopping it. I've been sleeping a lot, eating less, and giving everyone an additude, and thats how it always starts. I have a doctors appointment Tuesday though. Maybe this time he'll actually do something about it instead of sitting there and listening to me bitch for 45 mins.
Thursday I told my acting teacher I wasn't comming back. That was probably one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made in my life. Every Thursday night for the past 6 years I've been goin to class there w/ the same people. And one day I just decided I couldn't do it anymore. It's been feeling more like an obligation then something fun I actually wanted to do. He hugged me and all he could say was "we're gonna miss you." He just kept saying it over and over again. I lost it. I was hysterical. He's only the second person to ever see me cry besides family members.Then I went outside the classroom and gave Richard a check I owed for the class last week. I told him it was only $25 cause I wasn't staying that night and I wasn't comming back. He did the same thing as Ralph. I think they were all just shocked. I was there fo 6 years and one day I just up and leave. I'd be pretty shocked too if I were them. Then i just left and cried in the satirwell, then while walking to my car, then the whole way driving to Killin Time.
I'm a mess.
Yo bitch, you got beef, say it to my face instead of posting it on you're fuckinh journal. Real classy.
Wonderful mood I am in. Things are getting better w/ me and someone. He stopped by before while he was working and gave me a beautiful plant. I forget what it's called, but it's so pretty. And he wrote some sweet stuff in a card. I baked him some black and white cookies and bought him a track jacket.
I'm goin to Ry's show later. I saw them practice for a bit last night.. good stuff. Very impressed. Couple friend are gonna be there. Much excited to see them. 2 are still iffy about goin. They better go cause I work'ed hard on valentines for them and I have'nt seen them in a couple days and am starting to miss them.
xoxo <3
music-Ja Rule/Ashanti-Memorized.
I hate myself right. Im so so so so sorry. I know I said it 03908498 times before and you told me not to be sorry, but I am. I'm probably making a huge mistake right now and will probably regreat my decision in a month. By then you'll probably realize what a bitch I am and would have alreayd have found someone new and I'll just be hating myself even more. You are a great person and an excellent friend and I don't know what else to say. I guess just thank you for not hating me now and still talkin to me.
Music-The Yeah Yeah Yeah's-Cold Light
Haven't updated in a while. Mostly cause everytime i try to something's wrong w/ wither my computer or tripod. This weekend started off shitty and stressful. That, however, was short lived and by Friday night I was having pleanty fun w/ good good friends. Gotta go to school now though, Byebye.
Oh man... in 50mins I'll be leaving with Amanda to go see Nora and The Rise. Both excellent bands. Friday I didn't go to school cause I was puking at 2 in the morning. I just slept it off though. Then i had to get Ry cause he ran out of gas and he had to show me where the bookstore was at Brookdale. Then me and Allie B. went to Target so she could return stuff and we got some food for the ride to Birch. Went back to her house then left for Birch. Stopped at Party Pizza or whatever it's called to visit Dan. George was there too... good people. Got to Birch and talked to Dean and Chris. Then went inside and help Gab and Sean put up Coheed and Andrew W.K. posters. Haha, i thought Gab was gonna kick some girls ass cause she was taking down a poster she had just put up.The show was fun except for the kids there... too many and they were all just dumb. My arms are still sore from trying to push people off of me. Code7... ehh, Hopesfall-good, One Line Drawing-effin sucked (Pickachu's gonna kick my ass for that comment, but he says I'm tough so we'll just have to see about that haha.) Coheed-good.
Saturday. What a boring boring day. Worked, slept, went to the mall w/ Mare, picked up Rob, drove around forever, got dropped off at Rob's house, watched Serendipity(sp?), got driven home. Sucked.
Today. Worked, got fired (apperently you have to be "good" at cleaning up dog shit, whatever, I already have another job lined up.) Went home and slept, did whatever, and soon I'll be goin to see Nora:). all I have to say is I effin feel for this girl. Tiff Fett introduced me to this livejournal. She dosen't know who the girl is or anything. She said she just found the journal and always reads is whenever she posts. Deep stuff.
Music-The Rise-Goals Methodology Assessment
I'm in photo right now. I want to kill myself... this is so boring. John Carey is God. If you eat pretzles and skittles at the same time it tastes like toast and jelly...I must so sleep now... then off to art...Byebye.
Went to see Mora last night. They played ok considering Rob broke a string. Sara and Jorge sang really well. I left when they were done and took Allie B. home. She's a kool girl. I tried to buy my Spanish book before but I couldn't find the store so I'll just try again tomorrow... I hope I dont need it tonight though, and I hope I'm not the only person that still dosen't have a book. I'll feel like a moron. I like that class. The people are nice and funny and some guy Leo already told me he'll help me cause he's like fluient(sp?) in spanish and i pretty much suck... sweet. umm, i had my english and foods exams today. i fucking kicked that english essays ass. tomorrow i have photogrphy and art. i know they're gonna suck. actually, no cause jc and dustin and i will just eat skittles and sleep during the photo exam and then steal joe's when he's done.k, i gotta finish paper work for photo and sleep. byebye
OOooOO, Mariyln... foxy lady...
Music-Crusive-Making Friends and Acquaintances
1. What is my name?
2. When/where/how did we meet?
3. Do I do drugs?
4. Do I believe in God?
5. One word to describe me:
6. How old am I?
7. Natural hair color?
8. Do I have any siblings, if yes how many?
9. What cross roads do I live on?
10. What is the best feature about me?
11. Am I shy or outgoing?
12. Have you ever seen me cry?
13. What songs make you think of me?
14. What is my favorite type of music?
15. Favorite food?
16. Worst personality trait?
17. Favorite color?
18. I am obsessed with:
19. Who is my best friend?
20. Do you love me?